Irina Chubarenko

Irina Chubarenko, Dr. Sci., Head of Laboratory for Marine Physics


ResearcherID:    I-7423-2017

Scopus ID: 6603327296

ORCID: 0000-0003-3876-3022

1. Personal data

Name               Irina Chubarenko    

Date of birth   28.08.1961

Address           prospect Mira, 1,

                          236022 Kaliningrad, Russia    

Mob.               +7 (9062) 39 15 66

Fax                  +7 (4012) 91 69 70



2. Present position:              

Head of Laboratory for Marine Physics, Dr.Sci,

Atlantic Branch of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Kaliningrad, Russia

3. Research fields

geophysical fluid dynamics:

                                       convective water exchange in lakes and oceans;

                                       horizontal convection, deep ocean convection;

                                       mixing near the temperature of maximum density;

                                       cascading, upwelling, thermal bar, day/night circulation;

                                       Langmuir circulation in shallow basins.   

marine microplastics:

                                       physical and dynamical properties of MPs particles;

                                       MPs migrations in sea coastal zone;

                                       mechanical fragmentation in swash zone;

                                       MPs and marine ice.   


field measurements; laboratory experiment; numerical modelling.

4. Language skills

English (fluent); German (basic); Russian (native).

5. Education:    

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2009: Dr.Sci, physical oceanography;

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1984 – 1988: PhD, physical oceanography;

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1978-1984: M.Sc., Applied Phys. and Math. / physical oceanography.

6. Research Projects (after 2000):

2024-present: Mechanisms of sorting of plastic objects in the coastal zone of the sea and associated plastic mass fluxes within the coastal zone and into the open sea (Russian Science Foundation, project № 24-17-00099, Project lieder)

2022-2023: Boundary conditions for problems of transport and fate of microplastics particles in marine environment (Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-17-00041-extension; Project lieder).

2019-2021: Boundary conditions for problems of transport and fate of microplastics particles in marine environment (Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-17-00041; Project lieder).

2019-2021: Cold Intermediate Layer of the Baltic Sea: verifying hypotheses of its formation. (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project № 13-05-01041-a; Project lieder).

2018-2021: Litter rim of the Baltic Sea coast: monitoring, impact, and remediation. ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017, project № 429 (Germany, Estonia, Russia; Consortium coordinator; Russian team leader).

2015-2017: Microplastics research in the Baltic marine environment (Russian Science Foundation, project № 15-17-10020; Project lieder).

2013-2015: Investigation of the role of intermediate layers in thermohaline conveyor of the Baltic Sea (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 13-05-01041-a; Project lieder).

2011-2013: Mixing and water exchange in coastal lagoons under fall/winter time conditions (RFBR № 11-05-00674-a).

2010-2012: Unsteady convective water exchange between shelf and open sea and its contribution to formation of thermo-haline structure of the Baltic Sea (RFBR № 10-05-00540-a; Project lieder).

2010-2012: Seasonal structural front and formation of cold intermediate layer of the Baltic sea (RFBR № 10-05-00472-a).

2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012: AAA Rostock University, visiting fellow.

2010-2013: CLIMSEAS Project (FP7-IRSES Ref. 2009-247512).

2009-2011: Density currents and mixing above underwater slopes of the Baltic sea (RFBR № 09-05-00446-a; Project lieder).

2008-2010: Advanced modeling tool for scenarios of the Baltic Sea ecosystem to support decision making – ECOSUPPORT (RFBR № 08-05-92421-BONUS_a).

2007-2009: Investigation of a mechanism of seasonal water-exchange between shelf and open sea area and its response to the expected climate change (RFBR № 07-05-00850-a; Project lieder).

2006-2008: Investigation of water-exchange between surface and deep layers of the Baltic Sea: down-slope currents, coastally-related frontal zones, orographic and convective effects (RFBR № 06-05-64138).

2005–2006: Seasonal mixing mechanisms in upper layers of Caspian and Baltic seas (NATO ESP.CLG 981 368; Project coordinator).

2004-2005: Expert of the Working package 2 “WP2: Water Resources” in the TACIS/2003/061-131 90 Project “Seagull RC: Russian component of the development strategy for Euroregion Baltic”.

2004: Seasonal cooling processes in Lake Constance (DAAD).

2003-2007: The World Ocean (FCP RF).

2003-2005: Investigation of dynamics and structural features of the Baltic Sea surface layer (RFBR № 03-05-65136-a).

2002-2004: Mass transfer through the submarine canyons (INTAS № 460).

2001-2002: Hydrodynamics in the littoral zone of Lake Constance (DFG № Hu/412-27.1).

2001: Transport in the Littoral (DFG SFB454 Bodenseelittoral; D5).

2001–2006: NATO CCMS Pilot Study on Ecosystem Modelling of Coastal Lagoons for Sustainable Management.

1998-2003 Russian-German bilateral project “The Baltic”.

Grants for Expeditions:

2020; 2019, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 (RFBR №№ 19-05-00717, 13-05-10086-k, 12-05-10069-k, 11-05-10060-k, 10-05-10050-k, 09-05-10037-k, 08-05-10066-e, 08-05-02111-k, 07-05-10047-k, 06-05-79097-k).

7. Selected publications (after 2010):

Peer-reviewed Journal papers

  1. Chubarenko, I., Krivoshlyk, P., Esiukova, E., Zobkov, M., Fetisov, S., 2024. Natural sorting of sediments in the wave run-up zoneworks formicroplastics as well. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 208, 117060.
  2. Fetisov, S., Esiukova, E., Lobchuk, O., Chubarenko, I., 2024. Abundance and mass of plastic litter on sandy shore: Contribution of stormy events. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 207, 116911.
  3. Esiukova, E., Lobchuk, O., Fetisov, S., Bocherikova, I., Kantakov, G., Chubarenko, I., 2024. Baltic plastic soup recipe: presence of paraffin increases micro- and mesoplastic contamination. Regional Studies in Marine Science 74, 103554.
  4. Saliu F., Lasagni M., Clemenza M., Chubarenko I., Esiukova E., Suaria G., 2023.  The interactions of plastic with tar and other petroleum derivatives in the marine environment: A general perspective. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 197, 115753,
  5. Chubarenko, I., Bocherikova, I., Esiukova, E., Isachenko, I., Kupriyanova, A., Lobchuk, O., Fetisov, S., 2023. Microplastics in sea ice: A fingerprint of bubble flotation. Science of The Total Environment 164611.
  6. Bukanova T., Lobchuk O., Chubarenko I.The Bornholm intermediate waters: Origination, pathway, and detection within the cold intermediate layer of the Baltic Sea // Progress in Oceanography. 2023. Vol. 210. 102926. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102926.
  7. Isachenko I., Esiukova E., Chubarenko I. Beach-cast appearance on the tide-less sea shore: Parameters of favoring surface waves // Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2023. 281. 108219. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108219.
  8. Chubarenko I., Lazaryuk A., Orlova T., Lobchuk O., Raguso C., Zyubin A., Lasagni M., Saliu F. Microplastics in the first-year sea ice of the Novik Bay, Sea of Japan. Mar Pollut Bull. 185 (2022) 114236.
  9. Bocherikova, I. Yu. and I. P. Chubarenko, 2022: Microplastics content in ice, snow and under-ice water of the Curonian Lagoon in winter 2021. Journal of oceanological research, 50 (3), 102–117,
  10. Isachenko I, Chubarenko I. Transport and accumulation of plastic particles on the varying sediment bed cover: Open-channel flow experiment. Mar Pollut Bull. 2022 Sep 1;183:114079. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114079.
  11. Chubarenko I. 2022. Physical processes behind interactions of microplastic particles with natural ice. Environ. Res. Commun.
  12. Lehmann, A., Myrberg, K., Post, P., Chubarenko, I., Dailidiene, I., Hinrichsen, H.-H., Hüssy, K., Liblik, T., Lips, U., Meier, H. E. M., and Bukanova, T. 2022. Salinity dynamics of the Baltic Sea. Earth Syst. Dynam.
  13. Bagaev A., Esiukova E., Litvinyuk D., Chubarenko I., Veerasingam S., Venkatachalapathy R., Verzhevskaya L. Investigations of plastic contamination of seawater, marine and coastal sediments in the Russian seas: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021. 28. Р. 32264–32281. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-14183-z
  14. Khatmullina L., Chubarenko I. Thin synthetic fibers sinking in still and convectively mixing water: laboratory experiments and projection to oceanic environment. Environmental Pollution. 2021. V. 288. P. 117714. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117714
  15. Esiukova E., Lobchuk O., Haseler M., Chubarenko I. Microplastic contamination of sandy beaches of National Parks, protected and recreational areas in southern parts of the Baltic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021. 173. 113002. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113002
  16. Esiukova E.E., Lobchuk O.I., Volodina A.A., Chubarenko I.P. Marine macrophytes retain microplastics. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021. 171. 112738. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112738
  17. Fetisov S., Chubarenko I. Marine Litter Stormy Wash-Outs: Developing the Neural Network to Predict Them. Pollutants. 2021. Vol. 1. P.156–168. doi: 10.3390/pollutants1030013
  18. Bagaev A.V., Bukanova T.V., Chubarenko I.P. Spring cold water intrusions as the beginning of the cold intermediate layer formation in the Baltic sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2021. 250. 107141. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2020.107141
  19. Chubarenko I., Esiukova E., Khatmullina L., Lobchuk O., Grave A., Kileso A., Haseler M. (2020) From macro to micro, from patchy to uniform: analyzing plastic contamination along and across a sandy tide-less coast. Mar. Pollut. Bull.    
  20. Esiukova E., Khatmullina L., Lobchuk O., Grave A., Kileso A., Haseler M., Zyubin A., Chubarenko I. From macro to micro: dataset on plastic contamination along and across a sandy tide-less coast (the Curonian Spit, the Baltic Sea). Data in Brief. Volume 30, June 2020, 105635. (open access).
  21. van Sebille E., Aliani S., Law K.L. et al. (2020) The physical oceanography of the transport of floating marine debris. Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 023003. (open access).  
  22. Bathmann U, Schubert H, Andrén E, Tuomi L, Radziejewska T, Kulinski K and Chubarenko I (2020) Editorial: Living Along Gradients: Past, Present, Future. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:801. (open access).
  23. Esiukova E., Zobkov M, Chubarenko I. Data on microplastic contamination of the Baltic Sea bottom sediment samples in 2015-2016. Data in Brief. Volume 28, February 2020, 104887 (open access).
  24. Chubarenko I., Efimova I., Bagaeva M., Bagaev A., Isachenko I. On mechanical fragmentation of single-use plastics in the sea swash zone with different types of bottom sediments: Insights from laboratory experiments (2020) Mar. Pollut. Bull. 150, 110726   
  25. Khatmullina L., Chubarenko I. Transport of marine microplastics particles: why is it so difficult to predict? Anthropocene Coasts (2019) 2(1): 293-305, (open access).
  26. Maximenko N, Corradi P, Law KL, …, Chubarenko IP et al. (2019) Toward the Integrated Marine Debris Observing System. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:447. (open access).
  27. Efimova I., Bagaeva M., Bagaev A., Kileso A. and Chubarenko I.P. (2018) Secondary Microplastics Generation in the Sea Swash Zone With Coarse Bottom Sediments: Laboratory Experiments. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:313. (open access).
  28. Chubarenko I., Stepanova N. (2018) Cold Intermediate Layer of the Baltic Sea: hypothesis of the formation of its core. Progress in Oceanography. Vol. 167, October 2018, pp. 1-10.
  29. Bagaev, A., Khatmullina, L., & Chubarenko, I. (2018) Anthropogenic microlitter in the Baltic Sea water column. Marine Pollution Bulletin 129 (2), 918-923.
  30. Chubarenko, I.P., Esiukova, E.E., Bagaev, A.V., Bagaeva, M.A., Grave, A.N. (2018) Three-dimensional distribution of anthropogenic microparticles in the body of sandy beaches. Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 628-629, pp. 1340-1351. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.167
  31. Chubarenko I., Esiukova E., BagaevA., Isachenko I., Demchenko N., Zobkov M., Efimova I., Bagaeva M., Khatmullina L. (2018) Behavior of Microplastics in Coastal Zones, In: Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments, edited by Eddy Y. Zeng, Elsevier, 2018, Pages 175-223, ISBN 9780128137475,
  32. Bagaev A., Mizyuk A., Khatmullina L., Isachenko I., Chubarenko I. (2017) Anthropogenic fibres in the Baltic Sea water column: Field data, laboratory and numerical testing of their motion. Science of the Total Environment. 2017 Dec 1;599-600:560-571.
  33. Chubarenko I., Stepanova N. (2017) Microplastics in sea coastal zone: Lessons learned from the Baltic amber. Environmental Pollution. Vol. 224, 2017, pp. 243-254.  
  34. Esiukova E.E., Chubarenko I. P., Stont Zh. I. (2017) Upwelling or differential cooling? Analysis of satellite SST images of the Southeastern Baltic Sea. Water Resources. 2017, Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp 69–77.
  35. Chubarenko, I., Bagaiev, A., Zobkov, M., Esiukova, E. (2016) On some physical and dynamical properties of microplastic particles in marine environment. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 108, 105–112.
  36. Stepanova N. B., Chubarenko I. P., and S. A. Shchuka (2015) Structure and Evolution of the Cold Intermediate Layer in the Southeastern Part of the Baltic Sea by the Field Measurement Data of 2004–2008. Oceanology, 2015, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 25–35.

Books, book chapters:

  1. Chubarenko I., Esiukova E., BagaevA., Isachenko I., Zobkov M., Bagaeva M., Khatmullina L., Fetisov S. Microplastics particles in coastal zone: Approach of physical oceanography, In: Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments: An Emerging Matter of Environmental Urgency. Second edition. Edited by Eddy Y. Zeng, Elsevier, 2024, Pages 249-310, Paperback ISBN: 978-0-443-15332-7, eBook ISBN: 978-0-443-15333-4.
  2. Чубаренко И.П., Есюкова Е.Е., Хатмуллина Л.И., Лобчук О.И., Исаченко И.А., Буканова Т.В. Микропластик в морской среде. М.: Научный мир, 2021. – 520 с. ISBN 978-5-91522-513-7 (in Russian)
  3. Hutter, K., Wang, Y., Chubarenko, I. Physics of Lakes. Vol. 1: Foundation of the Mathematical and Physical Background. ISSN 1866-8348; e-ISSN 1866-8356; ISBN 978-3-642-15177-4; e-ISBN 978-3-642-15178-1; DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-15178-1; Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 2011. 434 pp.
  4. Hutter, K., Wang, Y., Chubarenko, I. Physics of Lakes. Vol. 2: Lakes as Oscillators. 1st Edition., 2011, LXVIII, 646 pp. 264 illus., 14 in color. ISSN 1866-8348; e-ISSN 1866-8356; ISBN 978-3-642-19111-4; e-ISBN 978-3-642-15178-1; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19112-1; Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 2011.
  5. Hutter, K., Wang, Y., Chubarenko, I. Physics of Lakes. Vol. 3: Methods of Understanding Lakes as Components of the Geophysical Environment. Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York. 2014, LXVI, 605 pp. 237 illus., 70 illus. in color. ISBN 978-3-319-00472-3. ISSN 1866-8348.
  6. I. Chubarenko. Horizontal convection above underwater slopes. Terra Baltica, Kaliningrad, 2010. 256 pp. ISBN-978-5-98777-050-4 (in Russian).

8. Reviewer

of International Journals:

  • Baltica
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Environmental Science and Sustainability
  • Environmental Science and Technology
  • Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
  • Frontiers in Marine Sciences
  • International Journal of Thermal Sciences
  • Journal of Great Lakes Research
  • Journal of Hazardous Materials
  • Journal of Limnology
  • Journal of Sea Research
  • Marine Chemistry
  • Marine Pollution Bulletin
  • Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
  • Ocean Dynamics
  • Ocean Modelling
  • Ocean Science
  • Oceanological Studies
  • Oceanology
  • RSC Advances
  • Russian Water Resources
  • Science of the Total Environment
  • Scientific Reports
  • Waste Management
  • Water Research

of Science Foundations:



Marsden Fund