Sergei Fetisov, MS, Junior Researcher
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAA-7600-2022
ORCID: 0000-0002-6471-3646
ResearchGate: Sergei Fetisov
РИНЦ AuthorID: 1135105
1. Personal data
Name Sergei Fetisov
Date of birth 08.12.1992
Address prospect Mira, 1,
236022 Kaliningrad, Russia
Mob. +7 909 790 66 54
2. Present position:
Junior Researcher, Laboratory for Marine Physics, Atlantic Branch of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Kaliningrad, Russia
3. Research fields
marine microplastics:
- environmental monitoring;
- physical and dynamical properties of MPs;
- MPs migrations in sea coastal zone;
- mechanical fragmentation in swash zone;
marine litter:
- micro/meso/macroplastics in marine environment;
- field measurements;
- numerical modelling;
- machine learning;
- artificial neural networks.
4. Language skills
English (basic); Russian (native)
5. Education:
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad: PhD, 2019-2022, Earth Sciences (Specialty: Oceanology);
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, 2010-2016 (Specialty: Mathematics, Computer Safety);
6. Research Projects:
2024- present: Mechanisms of sorting of plastic objects in the coastal zone of the sea and associated plastic mass fluxes within the coastal zone and into the open sea (Russian Science Foundation, project № 24-17-00099, participant)
2022-2023: Boundary conditions for problems of transport and fate of microplastics particles in marine environment (Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-17-00041-extension; participant)
2019-2021: Boundary conditions for problems of transport and fate of microplastics particles in marine environment (Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-17-00041; participant).
2018-2021: Litter rim of the Baltic Sea coast: monitoring, impact, and remediation. ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017, project № 429 (RFBR via grant No.18-55-76001; participant) (Germany, Estonia, Russia).
2020-2021: Application of artificial neural networks to the development of a forecast system for the anthropogenic marine litter wash-outs to the beaches of the Sambian Peninsula (The competitiveness program of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University for 2016-2020 (project 5-100); Project lieder)
7. Selected publications:
Peer-reviewed Journal papers and book chapters
- Fetisov, S., Esiukova, E., Lobchuk, O., Chubarenko, I., 2024. Abundance and mass of plastic litter on sandy shore: Contribution of stormy events. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 207, 116911.
- Chubarenko, I., Krivoshlyk, P., Esiukova, E., Zobkov, M., Fetisov, S., 2024. Natural sorting of sediments in the wave run-up zoneworks formicroplastics as well. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 208, 117060.
- Esiukova, E., Lobchuk, O., Fetisov, S., Bocherikova, I., Kantakov, G., Chubarenko, I., 2024. Baltic plastic soup recipe: presence of paraffin increases micro- and mesoplastic contamination. Regional Studies in Marine Science 74, 103554.
rsma.2024.103554 - Chubarenko I., Esiukova E., BagaevA., Isachenko I., Zobkov M., Bagaeva M., Khatmullina L., Fetisov S. Microplastics particles in coastal zone: Approach of physical oceanography, In: Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments: An Emerging Matter of Environmental Urgency. Second edition. Edited by Eddy Y. Zeng, Elsevier, 2024, Pages 249-310, Paperback ISBN: 978-0-443-15332-7, eBook ISBN: 978-0-443-15333-4.
books/microplastic- contamination-in-aquatic- environments/zeng/978-0-443- 15332-7 - Chubarenko, I., Bocherikova, I., Esiukova, E., Isachenko, I., Kupriyanova, A., Lobchuk, O., Fetisov, S., 2023. Microplastics in sea ice: A fingerprint of bubble flotation. Science of The Total Environment 164611.
- Fetisov, S.V., Chubarenko, I.P., Esiukova, E.E. (2022). Analysis of the Meteorological and Hydrophysical Factors of Massive Wash-Outs of Marine Litter to the Shore of Sambian Peninsula (The Baltic Sea). In: Chaplina, T. (eds) Processes in GeoMedia—Volume V. Springer Geology. Springer, Cham.
- Fetisov S., Chubarenko I. Marine Litter Stormy Wash-Outs: Developing the Neural Network to Predict Them. Pollutants 2021, 1, 156–168.